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Narcan Widely Available on Boston Campus

Dear Emerson College Community,

Emerson Wellness Center is pleased to announce that Narcan (naloxone), a life-saving medication that can reverse opioid overdoses, is widely available on our campus. This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and Boston community members. 

What is Narcan?

Narcan is a nasal spray that can quickly restore normal breathing in a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped due to an opioid overdose. It is easy to administer and can be a crucial intervention in emergency situations.

Why is Narcan Important?

The opioid crisis has affected communities across the country, including college campuses. By making Narcan available, we aim to provide an additional layer of safety and support for those who may be at risk of an overdose. Quick access to Narcan can save lives.

Where is Narcan Available?

Narcan kits are now available for free at the following locations on campus:

  • Health Services Office (216 Tremont St, 3rd floor), 617-824-8666
  • Vending Machine in LB mailroom, 24/7 access
  • Emergency NaloxBoxes in Residence Hall lobbies
  • Student organization, TACO (Team Awareness Combatting Overdose) 

Additionally, designated campus personnel have been trained to administer Narcan, ensuring that help is available promptly in case of an emergency.

Information Sessions

Narcan is easy to administer. The CDC provides simple training videos. Instructions are on all NaloxBoxes and in each Narcan kit as well. We will be conducting information sessions on how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and how to administer Narcan. These sessions are open to all members of the campus community. 

What You Can Do

  1. Educate Yourself: Attend a training session and learn how to use Narcan. Carry Narcan with you.
  2. Stay Vigilant: Be aware of the signs of an opioid overdose, which can include unresponsiveness, slow or no breathing, and blue or purple lips or fingernails.
  3. Spread the Word: Inform your friends and peers about the availability of Narcan on campus.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the Health Services at If you would like to be involved with TACO student organization, please contact

Together, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for everyone at Emerson College.  For additional Narcan and harm reduction information, visit the Emerson Wellness Center webpage

Emerson Wellness Center