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Internationalization, Equity Go Hand in Hand, Writes Pinder: NAFSA

NAFSA: Association of International Educators, published “Internationalization: An Equity-Based Approach,” written by Vice Provost for Internationalization & Equity Tony Pinder.

In the paper, Pinder makes the case for breaking down the traditional silos between international education and equity, diversity, and inclusion departments – as has been done at Emerson – in order to better serve students and create a community where everyone has access to international education.

Pinder writes:

“Structural and institutional barriers have historically prevented the development of bona fide cross-institutional relationships between equity and diversity professionals and international educators. These silos have often resulted in territorialism, in place of collectivity. When establishing our IE Office, I successfully advocated for three new equity-focused positions to support EASJ work within academic affairs in general and internationalization in particular. Intentionally creating a team composed of committed international educators and equity professionals immediately paved the way for us to treat internationalization and equity as complementary priorities, not competing ones.”

Read the paper.

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