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Announcement Regarding Associate VP Erik Müürisepp

Dear members of the Emerson community,

I write today with mixed emotions to share the news that Erik Müürisepp, Associate Vice President for Campus Life, has accepted the position of Vice President and Dean of Students at Curry College in Milton, MA.  While thrilled for Erik as he takes on this exciting new opportunity, the College will greatly miss his steady leadership, creative thinking, and deep care for students. 

Nine years ago Erik left a prior position at Curry to join Emerson as Associate Dean and Director of Housing & Residence Life.  His role has evolved and grown in that time, and his portfolio has expanded to include management of the key areas of student life on campus, including student housing, community standards and student conduct, new student orientation, off campus student services, student engagement and leadership, campus centers, student accessibility services and student care and support. Over the course of his tenure at Emerson he has helped guide the construction and renovation of new residence halls and dining options, developed the concept for 172 Tremont Street, initiated the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership and New Student Transitions and Family Programs, and overseen the development of student support initiatives such as the care and support team. In addition to his strong positive impact on student life, most members of our community will also remember Erik’s calm and steady leadership as the “COVID Czar” during the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic.  His tireless work and nonstop attention to detail helped guide the College safely through that challenging period.

Those of us who work daily with Erik have developed a profound appreciation for his warmth, compassion, quick humor and corny jokes. Erik’s door was always open, and he provided countless colleagues with a shoulder to lean on and a willing ear to listen and brainstorm. He has been a highly valued thought partner, colleague, and friend.

While we will miss working with Erik (and his seemingly endless wardrobe of vests), we’re lucky that he will remain in the Greater Boston area. We wish Erik, and his wonderful family, the best as they embark on this new journey.

Staff in the division of Student Affairs are working on plans for filling Erik’s role and will soon share an interim management plan with members of the division.  Many of you on the faculty and staff are already working directly with staff who Erik supervised and you are encouraged to continue doing so. Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns that you might have typically shared with Erik directly to me or Paula Mangiaratti, Senior Administrative Associate for our division. We’ll be sure to connect you with the right people to gather the information or action you need.

Erik’s last day on campus will be Friday, July 21. A reception/roast for Erik will be held on Thursday, July 20, from 3-5 pm in the Private Dining Center on the basement level of the Walker Building (enter via the Boylston Place Alley). 

Jim Hoppe,
Vice President & Dean for Campus Life

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