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New Thriller from Grossman ’70 Mixes Oil, Intrigue

Dan Reilly is back in another ripped-from-the-headlines, international political thriller from Emerson Trustee Gary Grossman ’70.

Red Chaos, the third installment in the Red Hotel series, is out now on Kindle and Audible, and will be released in print from Beaufort Books later in December 2022. The books are a collaboration with Ed Fuller, a business consultant and FBI National Academy associate director.

According to the book’s synopsis:

“The Arctic ice is melting, the waters are warming, and Russian President Nicolai Gorshkov is one step closer to monopolizing the oil industry and funding his expansionism plans past Ukraine and Latvia. Russian-backed attacks have shut down the Suez Canal and other key shipping routes, making it nearly impossible for the West and the Middle East to transport oil.

Trustee and alum Gary Grossman
Gary Grossman ’70

With nothing less than oil futures and the global economy at stake, one man slips out of the shadows to stop Gorshkov’s maniacal plans: Dan Reilly, an international hotel executive and freelance State Department and CIA consultant. In his attempts, Reilly is drawn into a web of intrigue 12 years in the making, involving the current American president, a United States senator, a Chinese businessman, and the death of a young girl.”

U.S. Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Frank Hemlick blurbed the book, saying, “It all feels so real. It’s a read written from the inside out. A winner – second place is not close.”

Linda Peek Schacht, an affiliated faculty in Emerson’s Communication Studies department, a former communications director for a U.S. Senate majority leader, and a former vice president at Coca-Cola, called the book “firmly rooted in the real world.”

Grossman, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, has written a number of political thrillers, including Executive Actions, Executive Treason, Executive Command, Executive Force, and Old Earth, in addition to the Red Hotel series. He has also written two non-fiction books on television history and columns for The New York Times and Boston Globe, and produced programs for NBC News.

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