COVID Update: Reporting of Tests NOT Done at TMC Center
We are sharing this as a reminder:
If you test positive using a rapid antigen or PCR test (other than one administered at the TMC site at 116 Harrison Ave), please email a photo of your result to (staff, faculty, vendors) or (students) to record the result.
If you are asymptomatic with a positive rapid antigen test you SHOULD NOT obtain a confirmatory PCR unless you require documentation for travel or work. If this is the case, you must call ahead (617-636-3686) to speak with a nurse to receive instruction. If you are symptomatic with a positive rapid antigen or PCR test, DO NOT obtain a confirmatory PCR test.
If you are a student and have any questions please reach out directly to the Center for Health and Wellness at If you are staff, faculty, or vendors and have any questions please contact