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COVID Update: Planning for Thanksgiving

Dear Students, 

In preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday break (November 24 – 28) and to continue to ensure the health and safety of the Emerson College community, we are requiring that every student complete a COVID-19 rapid test within 48 hours of their return to campus.  To help this process, the College will provide each student ONE Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card at-home rapid test.  These tests are observed via telehealth (see instructions on test) which will allow for you to have a record of the result. 

In order for your ID access to campus to be active for your return, you must take your rapid test within 48 hours of your arrival to campus AND then complete the attestation located on the Emerson College App. Please note that you must attest to your negative test before your ID access will be restored. Please plan accordingly. Do not plan to report to campus and then take your rapid test. This test must be taken and attested to BEFORE and no earlier than 48 hours before you report to campus.

Rapid Tests can be picked up beginning Monday, November 15.   

Residential Students: Housing and Residential Education staff will distribute tests to student rooms. Only one roommate/suitemate needs to be present for tests to be distributed for the entire room/suite. It will be the collective responsibility of all members of the room to ensure that tests are distributed appropriately.

Off-Campus Undergraduate Students: Off-campus students rapid tests will be distributed in Campus Life-Walker Building (120 Boylston Street, Suite 411), during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm.

Graduate Students: Graduate student rapid tests will be distributed at the Information Desk at 172 Tremont Street during regular business hours, 8:00 am-12:00 am, seven days a week, through Tuesday, November 23. 172 Tremont will close early at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 24, and will be closed during the break.

Should you lose your test, do it incorrectly, or not pick it up by November 23, it will be your responsibility to obtain a rapid test on your own, at your own expense,  and complete the required attestation to restore your access to campus. 

In addition to this rapid test, we are asking all students to plan to test at the TMC test center (116 Harrison Avenue) on either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (November 29 – December 1) between 8:00 am-6:00 pm. You may return to your regular testing day the week of December 8, after testing on one of these three days. 

Please read the FAQs carefully for more information and guidance. If you have additional questions, you may email Thank you for your continued cooperation and compliance with Emerson’s COVID safety protocols. 

Thanksgiving Break FAQs

How do I gain access to the campus after Thanksgiving break?

You need to complete a COVID-19 rapid test within 48 hours of your return to campus and complete the attestation form located on the Emerson App. The attestation form confirms you took a rapid test and the result was negative. Your ID access will then be restored.

How do I gain access to the campus after Thanksgiving break if I am currently exempt from testing?

You don’t need to complete a COVID-19 rapid test or attest. 

How do I gain access after Thanksgiving break if I come to campus only once a week?

You will need to pick up a rapid test to take home and complete the attestation. Before heading to class, you will need to go to Tufts Health Center to take a rapid test and an individual PCR.

What should I do if I misplace or don’t pick up my COVID-19 rapid test?

If you misplace or don’t pick up your COVID-19 rapid test from Emerson College, you have the responsibility to replace it. Pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens carry Abbott BINAX Rapid Tests if needed. 

What should I do if I do the test incorrectly?

If you make a mistake while taking your COVID-19 rapid test from Emerson College, it will be your responsibility to replace it and take another test.   

What should I do if I test positive during the Thanksgiving break?

If you test positive during the Thanksgiving break, contact your primary care doctor and follow medical guidance. You must finish your isolation at your current residence before returning to campus. Additionally, you will need to send your positive test result to the Center for Health and Wellness ( to exempt you from testing for the next 90 days.

What should I do if I was exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms?

You need to contact your primary care doctor and follow medical guidance. Additionally, please check the CDC travel guidelines before returning to campus.

Who do I need to contact if I have questions that are not answered in these FAQs?

Any additional questions can be directed to



We want to provide you updated information about the expiration date on your BinaxNow™ COVID-19 Home Test. 

On April 6, 2021, the FDA granted a 12-month shelf life to the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test.The test kits you have received have an expiration date that was printed with an expiry label that has now been extended an additional three (3) months. What this means is that whatever expiry date you see printed on your test kits has been extended an additional three (3) months. For example, a test kit with an expiration date of 2021-09-27 will now expire 2021-12-27. 

As a reference, here’s the link to the FDA letter and URL:

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