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Sarwar on Climate Change, Fishing, and Bad Relations between India & Pakistan: South Asia Monitor

Journalism affiliated faculty Beena Sarwar writes a piece about the effect of bad India and Pakistan relations on the fishing industry, specifically for fishermen themselves, as climate change plays a role.

The tragedy of a fisherman who died of Covid-19 while imprisoned in India, far from his family in Karachi, highlights the link between geopolitics and climate change – issues being deliberated at the upcoming COP26 in Glasgow. In November 2017, Amir Hamza was among the crew of a Pakistani fishing boat arrested by Indian security forces across the maritime border. Fisherfolk along the Arabian Sea coast shared by neighbors Pakistan and India know that they risk such arrests as well as sea storms if they stray across the invisible line. But it is a risk they take, driven by declining fish populations.

Read the South Asia Monitor piece.

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