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Raynauld Analyzes Digital Politics & COVID-19 Effects on Canada’s Election: Policy Options

Communications Studies associate professor Vincent Raynauld co-wrote an op-ed for the Institute for Research on Public Policy’s Policy Options website titled, “The key role of political parties’ digital strategies in the federal election” regarding Canada’s upcoming federal election.

Among the topics Raynauld analyzes include the future of digital politics and COVID-19 during this election season.

The election campaign will most likely lead to the intensification and diversification of politicians’ digital politicking activities. More importantly, it could be a source of innovation in political communications and engagement practices in Canada, whether it is in terms of content, aesthetics, tone and message delivery strategies, or in the choice of modes of interaction with members of the electorate.

Read the piece (also available in French).

Raynauld also recently shared his thoughts with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for the article “Are election signs still useful? Political observers say yes.”

Oftentimes, lawn signs are perceived by people when they’re driving, and you don’t necessarily have a lot of time to slow down and…read what’s on the lawn sign. So I would say that it’s really about visuals … [and] these visuals tend to speak to people’s emotions. Good visuals that are very appealing might push things over the edge and might convince people to go out and vote.

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