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Return to Campus Information for Staff

As a follow up to the August 9 COVID Testing information email, I am writing to clarify and share additional return to campus information for staff. We in HR have received questions and this email addresses many of the ongoing questions and inquiries we have received to date. 

Returning to campus, for those of us who have been remote for over a year, may be exciting and also challenging, and it may take time for some of us to acclimate. I want to encourage everyone to continue to speak with your manager and find thoughtful ways to return to campus and navigate the changes that this introduces. 

Return To Campus Information

This is a new and evolving situation for us all. As we return to campus and navigate the fall semester, we request that everyone remain nimble and thoughtful about their work location and its impact on other aspects of operations.

  • All staff should have recently been informed of the results of the College’s Return To Campus efforts by their VP or manager. Staff should now know their work location for the fall semester, as well as the date the new arrangement begins.
  • Every area has a return to campus start date that meets their unique needs. There is not one uniform date for everyone to begin returning to campus. Returning to campus begins in August, and for some may extend into September/early October.
  • Staff members whose work location will be hybrid or hotel/remote will maintain this status for the fall semester. After the fall semester, this status may change and those employees may be required to return fully to campus at a later date. 

Setting Work Location in Workday

Employees will be asked to go into Workday and select their work location for the fall semester. The choices align with those from the Return to Campus Framework and are:

  • Fully On-Campus – Work location is on-campus 5 days a week.
  • Hybrid Flex – Work location is on-campus 1-4 days a week and the balance is remote.
  • Hotel/Remote – Work location is predominantly remote, on-campus infrequently

Watch for guidance on how to complete your work location in Workday in the coming days.

COVID Safety Protocol

  • DO NOT come to campus or go to the testing location if you have any COVID-like symptoms. Even a runny nose is a symptom. 
  • Please remember, 3-ply face coverings are required on campus at all times  – inside and outside of Emerson buildings.

Testing Information

  • UPDATE: We are working on expanding the testing center hours of operation. We will have more information next week. 
  • Staff and faculty who come to campus one day or more a week must test weekly at Emerson’s testing center.  Employees coming to campus infrequently who have a hotel/remote arrangement, must test if they come one day a week or more for consecutive days or weeks. Continued access to campus will be dependent on testing weekly. 
  • Anyone with a vaccine exemption must test twice weekly for as long as they are unvaccinated, regardless of the number of days working on campus.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 90 days and you have been cleared by your physician to come to campus, please contact prior to your arrival on campus. You will need to resume testing 90 days after your positive test date, which will be provided to you by HR. 
  • Initial or baseline tests (as well as ongoing weekly tests) must be scheduled through the Emerson App.  More information on how to do that can be found here. Please select your testing schedule by August 20, 2021. If you are already participating in weekly testing this summer, you do not need to baseline test. Please select your testing cohort for the fall term via the app. If you have a hotel/remote arrangement, and come to campus, you must schedule your test through the Emerson App. 

Contact with questions. Please also remember that Emerson has the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) where you and or your family members can get support and advice on many issues.

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