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COVID-19 Update: Changes at the Emerson/TMC Testing Center


We look forward to having you back on campus. When you return for the Spring term, you’ll notice some changes in the testing process at the TMC/Emerson Test Center (116 Harrison Avenue).  

With patient health and safety in mind, the testing center has adjusted procedures in order to increase efficiency and improve the patient experience. In order to expedite the process, there are no longer chairs and tables at each test station. There are accessible testing bays that provide a chair and table should you need.  Please see a staff member at the test center for assistance. 

Below is an outline of what to expect at the test center this spring:

  • You must have your Emerson ID in order to enter the test site. If you do not have your Emerson ID, please contact Business Services for assistance in getting a replacement. Temporary IDs will not be accepted.
  • Beginning on Monday, February 1, you will not be able to test without an active Emerson ID. Manual registration (testing without tapping your Emerson ID) at the test center will not be available for the Spring term. You will need to return at a later time with your Emerson ID. You will still be required to remain in compliance with testing requirements. 
  • Staff will screen you at the door and will provide you with hand sanitizer.
  • You will get a tissue and proceed to a bay in the front of the room to blow your nose.
  • You will tap your badge at an Emerson computer.
  • Once you tap in with your badge, the computer will generate a label – please grab your label (confirming your name and date of birth), tube, and q-tip.
  • Place your label on the tube the long way (from top to bottom) to cover the existing label, making sure to apply it straight and smoothly and avoid smudging the ink (this will help the lab process your sample).
  • Proceed to an empty bay and complete your self-swab – rotating the q-tip in each nostril 3 times.
  • Place the q-tip top down in the tube and cap tube
  • Drop your tube off with the staff at the back of the testing center.
  • Hand sanitize before exiting.

If you have any questions regarding the new testing process, please ask the testing center staff when you return for your first test.

Residential Students will conduct their first (baseline) test at their assigned move-in time. 

Off-Campus Students will be able to start testing on January 19 (see January 13, email from Off Campus Student Services for more details). 

Staff begin their baseline testing on January 19, followed by required weekly testing

Faculty begin their baseline testing 3-5 days prior to their first in-person class, followed by required weekly testing

Everyone MUST get a negative test result before coming to campus for class or work.

Thank you, and be well,
Erik Muurisepp
AVP, Campus Life

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