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One Emerson: Deadlines Sunday and Monday for Spring Intent


Here at the midpoint of the term, I want to take a moment to acknowledge what a great job our community has done in keeping ourselves and each other safe. Plenty of people would have bet that colleges, including ours, would not still be operating in person on campus at this point. We believed we could re-open safely with the cooperation and shared sense of responsibility among Emersonians. Thank you for your part in proving that to be true.

And, of course, we can’t let our guard down. We’ve shown we can make this work. Let’s keep it up. Wear your face covering, maintain physical distancing, wash your hands, and get your weekly COVID test. Every week.

Believe it or not, it is already time to begin planning your Spring 2021 semester! Two important deadlines are coming up in the next few days.

Deadlines This Sunday and Monday

  1. The Departure Intent Form for residential students is due this Sunday, October 18. Log into your housing portal and click the button on the right to complete the form to let us know your departure and return plans for housing.
  2. All undergraduate students who are not participating in a global partner institution, ELA, or Kasteel Well for Spring 2021 are required to confirm their learning plan by completing the Spring Learning Plan Intent Form by this Monday, October 19, 2020. Students who do not complete the form by the due date may encounter difficulties with Spring 2021 Registration, so please do not delay!

Winter Term Internships

One-credit internship courses are available to eligible students over winter session through the Community Development Experience (CDE100) or Professional Development Experience (PDE100). Students must have completed at least two semesters, including one at Emerson College, and a 2.7 GPA or higher. A minimum of 50 hours must be worked in the internship over a period of  2-12 weeks. The internship does not have to relate to your major.

Contact Drew Genova, Internship Administrator, or the Career Development Center at if you have questions about whether your internship would count as a PDE or CDE. The deadline to submit an internship proposal is November 27.

PDE and CDE are also available for the spring term along with 4- and 8-credit internship options for eligible students.

What’s the difference between a PDE and CDE? The CDE must be completed at a non-profit and is a non-tuition credit. It counts toward the total of four (4) non-tuition credits students can use toward their degree requirements.

Weekly COVID Test

We said it above and we’ll say it again: Get your COVID test every week.The appointment scheduling app is now working on iOS. But even if you can’t schedule an appointment for some reason, and even if you can’t show up at your precise scheduled time, get yourself to the testing center each and every week.

Note that taxi vouchers are available for students with medical conditions who would benefit from having transportation from campus to the testing center for their weekly COVID tests.  The cost of the vouchers will be covered by Student Accessibility Services (SAS).  If you need support with transportation to the testing center, please contact SAS at

Face Covers in Your Room (!)

Face coverings should be worn at all times on campus, including in your own residential room if someone else is present other than your roommate/suitemates. Have a friend from another floor visiting? You both need to wear your face coverings. Are you visiting someone else’s room? Same deal — keep those noses and mouths covered.

While it may feel safer to be in your room or a friend’s room than to be out and about, the coronavirus doesn’t care where you are…and transmission is actually more likely in a confined interior space. So stay safe and keep covered up.

House Parties in Boston

At a press conference yesterday, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh indicated that the city will be cracking down on house parties and large gatherings in response to a recent uptick in COVID cases.

Again, we know that our community members are taking COVID safety guidelines seriously. Having said that, we want to remind you that Emerson’s Code of Community Standards applies both on- and off-campus to situations involving students, student groups, a group of students, and/or student organizations affiliated with any part of the College.

Team Harmony Web Series

The world premiere of HATE: What are YOU going to DO?, a six-part LIVE web series created by youth for youth,is this coming Tuesday, October 20, at 7pm.Emerson College is a partner on this virtual video series featuring inspiring stories highlighting student efforts to promote social and racial justice throughout the world. The programs will feature interviews and discussions with political and civic leaders and reports from global youth reporters. Student activists and their efforts will be highlighted and viewing students will be encouraged to do their part in the battle against hate. This week’s special guests includes Boston Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley. Check it out!

Take care,
Jim Hoppe
Vice President and Dean for Campus Life

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