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One Emerson: Resources, Dates to Note, COVID Test Updates


This week, a New York Times article reported on the number of coronavirus cases at U.S. colleges and universities. Fortunately, Emerson is currently at the low end of cases in the long list of 1,500 schools that were surveyed. That’s very good — and of course, we want to stay there. Classes haven’t even started yet, but I know we’re all experiencing how different this semester is going to be as we work to stay vigilant against the virus.

How Are You (Really)?

We’ve been sharing information this summer in preparation for the start of school. Now that it’s here, we wanted to take some time to acknowledge that the start of a new school year is both an exciting time and an inherently busy and stressful one. That’s particularly true for members of our community who are new to Emerson, and even more so for first-year students who are just starting their college careers. Emotions run high in many directions in a typical year. Add in a global pandemic, anti-Black violence and racism, and the upcoming U.S. presidential election, and I can only imagine that we’re all feeling the mental and emotional toll in some way.

At the same time that we’re feeling these stressors, many of the routines and supports that we rely on to keep us grounded have been upended. In the midst of all that, I want to let you know in no uncertain terms that while campus services and resources may operate a little differently this fall, we are still here.

Resources Are Available!

Emerson has a wealth of resources. In a typical year, you could come right into one of the many offices that serve and support students. You could visit physical open houses and drop-in hours. You would bump into staff on the sidewalk, in the Dining Center, in the hallway, and at events. You would know that we were here because you could see and hear us.

This year, of course, is a little different. Most staff are working remotely in order to keep the campus as de-densified as possible. But working remotely means just that — we’re still working. In this hyper-connected world in which Zoom has become a commonplace verb in just six months, we are absolutely still here, ready and waiting to work with you, whether you’re in Boston, ELA, remotely, or at one of our partner institutions. You can reach out via email. You can set up phone and Zoom sessions. For our physical and mental health centers, you can do telehealth appointments. Most offices have highlighted the best way to reach them on their webpage(s).

Please do not hesitate to reach out for the resources, services, and support you need right now. Even if you’ve already been here for three years and have never felt the need to access supports, this may be a time when you’ll want to do so. We hope you will — that’s why we’re here.

While all resources are important, I want to highlight a few that everyone should be aware of:

Center for Health and Wellness (CHW): Our physical health center. All undergraduates, as well as graduate students who have paid the health fee and/or are enrolled in the College’s student health insurance, are eligible for CHW’s services. Email (for non-emergency appointments) or call 617-824-8666.

Emerson Counseling & Psychological Services (ECAPS): Individual, couples, and group counseling, as well as consultations and workshops. Call 617-824-8595 for an appointment. After hours, students in Boston can talk to a therapist by calling the same number. Students at ELA or abroad should dial 617-824-8755 for after-hours services.

Student Accessibility Services: Accommodations and support services for students with disabilities. Email or call 617-824-8592.

Student Success: Works with students experiencing challenges that may interfere with the continuation of their studies or those who wish to take a leave of absence. Email or call 617-824-8650. Student Success is co-located and collaborates closely with the Office of Student Care & Support, available by email at or 617-824-8163.

Academic Advising Center: Advises on academic and course planning. Learn more about Advising’s virtual offerings on their website. The fastest way to talk to an advisor right now if you have questions about your schedule is to sign up for a virtual walk-in at Over the longer term, you can schedule a meeting with your advisor. For general inquiries, email or call 617-824-7876.

Adjusted Class Meeting Dates

Since preparedness is one key to staying organized and on top of things, we wanted to call your attention to the fact that there are four dates on which class schedules will be observed outside of their usual days:

Saturday, September 12: Monday schedule observed
Saturday, October 10: Thursday schedule observed
Saturday, November 7: Friday schedule observed
Tuesday, November 24: Wednesday schedule observed

These adjusted dates allow for each class to have the right number of meetings this semester. Please note them as needed to avoid conflicts with work, org. meetings, and other activities. You can find these dates and the rest of the fall schedule in the full fall academic calendar.

Book Your COVID Test on the Emerson App

Some people have expressed concern that their weekly COVID test at Tufts Medical Center will conflict with their school and work schedules. Good news: After you have completed your first two COVID tests (the baseline test and the four-day follow-up), you can start scheduling your weekly test appointments using the Emerson app. Open the app, go to One Emerson, and select Get Tested. There, you can book your tests on dates and times that work for you.

Also on the app: Remember that you must do your Daily Symptom Check every day before you come to campus or leave your residence hall room/suite. You cannot access Emerson facilities without the green “Clear to enter” badge!

Two notes about the testing process:

All testers, regardless of how many times you have tested, must follow the steps for testing along with the clinician. You must not proceed on your own and complete the test ahead of the observed guidance.
Cell phones must be put away once you have entered the test center. They will no longer be allowed to be out or used once you are inside the facility.

COVID Test Results (and ZIP Code for W Hotel)

Your COVID test results will come via email from the sender CareEvolve. The first email you receive will prompt you to create a login to the portal, where you can access your results. You will probably be prompted to enter your ZIP code. For those of you living in the W Hotel, your ZIP code is 02111.

Take care,
Jim Hoppe
Vice President and Dean for Campus Life

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