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COVID-19 Update: Dashboard, Symptom Checker, Test Scheduling

NEW Dashboard Update

We are pleased to share that effective Friday, August 28, we will post updated testing data on the Emerson College Community COVID-19 Dashboard twice per week, each Monday and Thursday, going forward. As a reminder, the dashboard provides a snapshot of our community’s COVID-19 testing data from Tufts Medical Center/the Broad Institute.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Daily Symptom Checker & Access

Everyone coming to campus must complete a very brief daily self-report of current or new symptoms. You can do this easily on the Daily Symptom Checker, which is a new feature of the Emerson mobile app. No symptoms will result in a green badge within the app and will automatically clear campus access to our buildings beginning Wednesday, September 2, at 7:00 am ET. Please have the green badge screen ready to present to the security guard when you use your Emerson College ID to tap into each building on campus.

Employees experiencing symptoms should contact their manager and as soon as possible to discuss your symptoms. Staff and faculty with symptoms will also be directed to contact their Primary Care Provider (PCP) for further guidance. Students are instructed to contact the Center for Health and Wellness at 617-824-8666 or

UPDATE: Test Scheduling

Please see your email for information on test scheduling (via the Emerson app and More information and instructions can be found online.

Face Coverings

As a reminder, face coverings are required any time you are on campus. Please speak with your manager or supervisor if you have not yet received your two cloth reusable face covers.

Thank you and be well,
Erik Muurisepp
AVP, Campus Life
COVID-19 Lead

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