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Cashier’s Hours to Resume August 28

For the Fall 2020 semester, Cashier’s Hours will resume on campus in Ansin 408 as noted below. Should you have any questions, please contact

Now through Thursday, August 27, 2020: Consistent with the past several months, departments should continue to submit deposit information to and send checks to be deposited to:

Emerson College
Attn: Controller
120 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116

As a reminder, please do not slide checks under Jonathan Pearsall’s office door. Any checks for deposit should be left in Jonathan’s mail folder at 20 Park Plaza if not mailed directly to the address above. Deposits will continue to be made on Fridays.

Note: Donations should continue to be sent to Advancement Services ( Student payment should continue to be sent to Student Accounts (

Beginning on Friday, August 28, 2020: Cashier’s Hours will resume weekly on Fridays in Ansin 408 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, with some slightly modified procedures. The door to Ansin 408 will remain closed to ensure social distancing and to limit risk for both the cashier and department contact. Department contacts will slide checks and deposit support under the door and call 617-824-8576 to speak with the cashier. Departments should continue to submit deposit information to prior to arrival.

If there are any questions regarding departmental deposits, please contact for additional information.

Jonathan Pearsall




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