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Photos: Move In Day — Gold, Glitter, Tutus, Helping Hands, Meeting Roommates

First-year students came from across the globe and across the Charles River to take their first steps into the annals of Emerson College on Monday morning. Student orientation volunteers shouted, sang, helped, directed, assistant, unpacked, hugged, high-fived, and showed off their Emerson Pride.

Photos by Derek Palmer for Emerson College

  • A student holds a sign directing drivers
  • A student smiles while wearing sunglasses
  • Students sing outside of the Little Building
  • Two students outside of the Little Building
  • A student directs other students during move in day
  • Three students with President Pelton
  • A student smiles outside of the Little Building
  • A student gives the thumbs up
  • Two students with President Lee Pelton
  • Two students pose with President Lee Pelton
  • Two students sit at a table
  • Three students sit at a table
  • Three students in an elevator
  • Three students look out a window
  • A sign says Come Back Later... I'm Studying! on a door handle
  • A student jumps in the air
  • A student gives thumbs up to the camera
  • A student with her parents
  • Six students jump in the air
  • A student is helped by his parents with his luggage
  • A student sits on the ground
  • A student sticks her tongue out at the camera
  • One student shakes another student's hand
  • A student carries a mirror
  • A student carries a box
  • Students outside of the Little Building
  • Five students outside of the Little Building
  • A student hands stuff to another student from a pickup truck
  • A student smiles outside of the Little Building
  • Students help during orientation
  • A student interviews another student
  • Three students outside of the Little Building
  • A student moves a cart outside of the Little Building
  • Two students outside of the Little Building
  • Students help during orientation
  • A student with her family
  • Two students stand together
  • The word welcome is spelled out with balloons
  • Three students sit at table
  • A mother waits inline during orientation
  • A student looks through folders
  • A student looks at a map of the campus
  • An Emerson College Police Department officer speaks with a student
  • A mother and son
  • A student with his parents and young sibling
  • A student points at the camera
  • Two students hold a milk carton
  • A student props herself up in a doorway
  • A student moves a cart full of stuff
  • A student moves a cart full of stuff
  • Students on the first floor of the Little Building
  • Two students on the first floor of the Little Building
  • Students pose outside of the Little Building
  • Two students hug
  • Little Building residence hall
  • A student tells a driver where they can park
  • Two students hug
  • A mother and son
  • A mother and daughter

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