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Put a Little W.O.W. in Your First Week Back

Week of Welcome (W.O.W.) is a lineup of events to welcome all students back to campus. Events start Monday, January 14, and run through Sunday, January 20.  You can find more details here, in the attached flyer or on EmConnect.

Monday, January 14

Happy National Milkshake Day! – 11:30 am-2:00 pm, Center Stage

Stop by Center Stage to celebrate National Milkshake Day!  Those in attendance will be eligible to win a gift card from the Boston Burger Company.  This event will begin at 11:30 am and available while supplies last.  Sponsored by Bon Appetit.

Tuesday, January 15

Drag Bingo – 7:00-9:00 pm, Center Stage

Stop by for a special night of bingo hosted by Boston favorite, Mizery!  There will be some great prizes and giveaways! Get ready for a night of food, fun, and laughter!  

Wednesday, January 16

Frames for Success: Free Headshots – 10:00 am-1:00 pm, Career Development Center, 216 Tremont Street, 6th Floor

Get ready for your close-up — the Career Development Center is offering free headshots during the Week of Welcome to all students! Use this as an opportunity to update your latest LinkedIn photo or to grab a fancy new Facebook profile picture!

Self-Care Fair – 12:00-3:00 pm, Center Stage

College life can get busy, but don’t forget to take care of the most important thing: YOU. Stop by the Self-Care Fair to meet your campus support resources and check out ways to stay well, balanced, and connected at Emerson. Many departments, including Counseling, Fitness Center, Health and Wellness, Student Accessibility Services, Career Services, Violence Prevention and Response, and more will be there to share information. Enter to win door prizes, play fun games, get some free swag, and meet staff who want to support you

Cultural Center Kickoff – 4:30-6:00 pm, Cultural Center, 150 Boylston Street

Come check out Emerson’s very own Intercultural Student Affairs by meeting all our various members of our cultural orgs on campus @ The Cultural Center in P.Row ! This is a chance to really meet and greet, get acclimated, and start connecting to the communities that feed your soul –  Fun, Food, and Community. Yeah, we’re about it – Hope to see you there because it is here that we create and hold space for each other, and we would love to have you see what that feels like !

Women’s Basketball – 7:00 pm, Bobbi Brown and Steven Plofker Gym

Stop by, show your Emerson spirit, and cheer for the home team!  Women’s basketball against Fisher College! Go LIONS! #HearUsRoar

Friday, January 18

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration and Diversity Forum – 10:00-11:30 am, Bill Bordy Theater

In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the Emerson College School of Communication is bringing together a panel of Boston community leaders to discuss the topic of race and the criminal justice system during the SOC’s annual MLK Celebration & Diversity Forum on Friday, Jan. 18. Taking place inside the Bill Bordy Theater, the event will feature an array of speakers, including: Boston Police Department Superintendent Commander, Marcus Eddings, who is assistant chief of the Bureau of Investigative Services; Emerson Political Science Assistant Professor, Mneesha Gellman, who is founder and director of the Emerson Prison Initiative, which seeks to bring high-quality liberal arts education to inmate-students at Massachusetts Correctional Institute at Concord, a men’s medium security prison; and columnist for the The Boston Globe, Adrian Walker, who provides commentary and opinion on local and regional news, as well as society and culture for the Globe’s Metro section. Moderating the event is Emerson Journalist-in-Residence Cheryl Jackson, a former CNN news reporter.

Winter Organization Fair – 12:00-3:00 pm, Max Mutchnick Campus Center

Shuffle your way through the Campus Center and join us for the ever-popular Organization Fair, where you will have the opportunity to sample many of our student organizations to learn about some of the ways you can get involved at Emerson!   

Another Org Fair – 2:00-5:00 pm, Bill Bordy Theater

Looking to get involved and learn more about organizations on campus?  Another Org Fair is an opportunity for you to meet the organizations that aren’t yet recognized by the Student Government Association.  

Open Mic Night – 7:00-9:00 pm, Center Stage

Play us a song, make us laugh, read us a poem, perform in any genre you want!  Join us for the first open mic of the semester! Spots fill up quickly, so arrive a bit early.

Sunday, January 20

Jazz Brunch – 12:00-2:00 pm, Center Stage

Who doesn’t love a good brunch?  Combine that with jazz from talented musicians and you have the perfect match!  Grab some food, hear some tunes, and sit a while!

Have questions regarding Week of Welcome?  Email

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