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20 Questions with Stanford Nance

Stan Nance, senior associate director of athletics, is responsible for recruiting student-athletes to Emerson and has worn a number of hats in Athletics since arriving on campus in 2003. In 2009, he won a Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to the College.

Expression, the magazine for Emerson College, asked him 20 Questions:

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

When the mind and body are working at peak performance.

2. If you could study any field aside from your own, what would it be?


3. Whom do you most admire?

My wife. She has mastered her faith as well as family and work-life balance.

4. What are three adjectives you’d use to describe Emerson?

Inspiring, innovative, and creative.

5. Where is your favorite spot at Emerson?

Bobbi Brown and Steven Plofker Gym and Rotch Playground.

6. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

“Right, right,” with a big smile. There is another one, “Hey…” that my colleagues have known me for, but I will stick with this one.

7. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My wife and I putting our son through Ivy League Dartmouth College would be at the top of the list.

8. What is your greatest regret?

No regrets, as I try to live each and every day to the fullest.

9. Who are your favorite writers?

Alan Eisenstock, Jim Collins, and Charles Duhigg.

10. Reading on a Kindle or other device: Yay or nay?

The iPad and phone app make it very enjoyable.

11. If you could have dinner with one person — alive or dead — who would it be?

Barack Obama

12. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Healing, healing, and more healing. Making people smile every day is my goal.

13. Coffee or tea?

Having hazelnut- or vanilla-flavored coffee in the morning is very refreshing.

14. Beach or mountains?

Beach, beach, and more beach.

15. Broadway or Hollywood?

Broadway during the holiday season. It’s breathtaking, especially when you are with family in Times Square.

16. If you could spend 48 hours in any city around the globe, where would you go?

Dakar, Senegal, or Johannesburg, South Africa, while the World Cup is in session.

17. What song are you most embarrassed to love? 

“Share My Life” by Kem. “Makes any difference. I still love you, girl. You’re my weakness. You changed my world. Share my life. Trust in me.”

18. You’re stranded on an island. What three possessions would you not be able to live without?

My new iPhone, internet connection, and a charger. I have become somewhat of a geek recently.

19. What is your motto?

“Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.” — Henry J. Kaiser

20. What’s the best thing about Emerson?

Vibrant location, brilliant people, and the important work we do to help our students master the skills to be successful in their chosen field of study.

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