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The 2018 World Series and Its Potential Impact on Campus

Dear Emerson community,

As the Boston Red Sox and the LA Dodgers move into Games 3, 4, and (possibly) 5 of the World Series this weekend, no matter who you’re rooting for over the coming days, we want you to enjoy the games safely and responsibly.

In New England, there have been extra patrols by Boston Police and traffic restrictions implemented throughout parts of the city.  In Los Angeles, similar patrols and restrictions have been put in place near Dodger Stadium.

It’s a World Series tradition for the winning team’s home city to host a celebratory parade. As the series concludes, you will receive information about planned festivities, their potential impact on our campus, and tips for celebrating while staying safe. Please stay tuned to your email and to Emerson Today for those updates.

In the event of citywide celebrations following a Red Sox World Series victory, I call on you to be aware of your surroundings after the game and to celebrate without putting yourselves or others in harm’s way.


Lee Pelton

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