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Information for Students About Hometown News

Emerson College showcases student achievements through Merit Pages, a social media and hometown news distribution program, which allows the College and you to share your academic and extracurricular successes with family, friends, and future employers.

Students who choose to participate will receive online badges for their achievements, such as the dean’s list, performing in the spring musical, participating in Emerson Los Angeles internship program, or being honored at the E3 Expo.  These recognitions will also be sent to your hometown news outlets and appear on the Emerson College Merit site.  The badges allow you to highlight your achievements and activities while creating an online profile that you may use for jobs, internships, and references after graduation.

Soon, you’ll receive an email from Merit explaining how you may claim your Merit page, which you may do by using email, Facebook, or Twitter. If you do not wish to participate in Merit Pages, simply opt-out of the program by clicking on the bottom “opt-out” link of the email you will receive. Please note, if you decide to opt-out, neither you or your hometown newspapers will receive another achievement notification related to Emerson.

Also, please let the Communications team know if you would like your name displayed differently at

We wish you all the best!

Michelle Gaseau
Director, Media Relations


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