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Students Win Awards for Political, Sports Communication in New Orleans

Recipients of awards
Recipients of Emerson’s 2017 David P. Twomey III Award in Public Diplomacy. Left to right, Ian Sutherland, Shapard Vargo (from Blanquerna), Niko Emack-Bazelais, IABD President Paul Fadil, Elias Romanos, and Ethan Michaud. Courtesy photo.

Four Emerson students won an award for public diplomacy, and a number of students and faculty from Emerson’s School of Communication presented on the College’s new academic initiatives and immersive experiences, at the International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD) annual conference in New Orleans earlier this month.

The IABD is a nonprofit organization that looks to “foster education” in the fields of management, marketing, economics, finance, accounting, management information systems, and communications.

Communication Studies Chair Greg Payne is on the IABD Board of Directors and is a former president of the organization, according to the website. He also served as chair of the Health Communication and Public Policy track at the April 6-8 conference, and led a discussion with Jennifer Summary of Culver-Stockton College on “Intercultural Communication: Bridging the Divide.”

Niko Emack-Bazelais ’19, Ethan Michaud ’19, Elias Romanos ’17, and Ian Sutherland ’17 won the David P. Twomey Award for Public Diplomacy. The award, named for a former Emerson graduate assistant who died suddenly in 2009 after contracting the H1N1 virus, is presented by the IABD in honor of Twomey’s leadership in social media and new technology.

Twomey established the IABD Press Project, through which Emerson students reported on the conference, created conference webpages, and disseminated the coverage on social media, Payne said.

In addition, Jane Pierce Saulnier ’90 MA ’92, senior lecturer in Communication Studies, was presented with the IABD’s Global  Communication Award, along with Jennifer Summary of Culver-Stockton College.

Romanos ’17, a Political Communication major, and Michaud ’19, a Sports Communication major, joined Shepard Vargo, a student from Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University in Barcelona, with whom Emerson has a partnership, to present “Student Perspective: The Emerson-Barcelona Sports Communication Workshop.”

During the same session, Payne presented “Reflections on the Second Annual Global Summit: Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona – Emerson College, Boston.”

Romanos also presented “Down Ballot Voter Roll Off and Communication Strategies to Combat It,” and joined Political Communication majors Connor Dane ’18 and Emack-Bazelais ’19 for “Immersive Emerson: Election Debrief,” during the all-Emerson 2016 Election Primary/Caucus Workshop session.

Also presenting during the same session were Emack-Bazelais on “Achieving Results: The Challenges of Combating Extremist Social Media in the 21st Century.” Payne and Abhishek Suryawanshi, a graduate student in Communications of Arts Management, joined Enric Ordeix, a faculty member from Ramon Llull who visited Emerson last fall, for “U.S. State Department/Emerson College 2016 Election Project.”

In the Launching New Academic/Immersive Programs session, Michaud presented “Grassroots Student Leadership: Sports Communication at Emerson College,” and Josiah Seet ’19, a Communication Studies major, and Aaron Van Leesten ‘19, a Media Arts Production major, talked about “ESports in Academia: Students’ Perspective.” Payne opened the session with (via Skype) Senior Scholar-in-Residence Spencer Kimball and Pawtucket Red Sox President Charles Steinberg, leader of Emerson’s new Sports Communication program, with “Launching Sports Communication Program at Emerson College”

Uyen Le, a 2016 Marketing Communication graduate, presented “Christian Dior as a Luxury Brand on Social Media: Observation and Analysis.”

Note: This story was edited from the original to include the correct Twomey Award presented to the students. 

Senior lecturer in Communication Studies Jane Pierce Saulnier, left, winner of the Global Communication Award, poses with IABD President Paul Fadil and Jennifer Summary, faculty member at Culver-Stockton College in Missouri. Courtesy photo. 



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