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Emerson President, Trustee Named to Boston Mag’s Power Player List

Emerson President Lee Pelton and Board of Trustees Co-Vice Chair Steven Samuels were named to Boston Magazine’s list of “The 21 Most Powerful People in Boston Business” in its May 2017 issue.

Boston credits Pelton, whom they dub “The Dreamer,” both with putting Emerson College in the international spotlight as a “leader in training future members of the creative class,” and with shaping the city’s downtown by creating new student housing and reinvigorating the Colonial Theatre. The piece also tips its hat to Emerson Launch, the College’s student business incubator. “Emerson helps to energize Boston just as the college is energized by our city,” Pelton said in the article. “The future of Emerson and the future of downtown are inextricably linked and bound together.”

Samuels, chairman and principal of development company Samuels & Associates, was called “The Catalyst” by the magazine, for his role in revitalizing a rundown corner of the Fenway and working to transform an “underused” portion of Back Bay, over the Massachusetts Turnpike. “Samuels may shun the spotlight,” Boston said of the low-key developer, “but his ambitious work tends to speak for itself.”

Read the list on the Boston Magazine website.

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