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$62k grant studies social media for political action

Vincent RaynauldVincent Raynauld, assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies, has been awarded a $62,000 grant by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) for a research project titled The #Idlenomore Factor: Characterizing Twitter’s Effect on Canadian Aboriginal Civic Engagement.

Raynauld and his co-investigator Emmanuelle Richez, assistant professor of political science at the University of Windsor, will examine how minorities use social media for political mobilization.

Social media have become important tools for grassroots political action, which can affect policy development and identity building. This research area is particularly important, as social media have played a significant role in many international political mobilization campaigns in recent years, including “Idle No More,” “Black Lives Matter,” and “Occupy.” The funding extends for two years.

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