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NSSE looks for student feedback through March

Now through Tuesday, March 31, Emerson students will be asked to complete the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), a 15-minute survey designed to gather important information about the nature and quality of undergraduate experiences.

Last year, survey information was the focus of the President’s Council, deans’ meetings, and discussions at Faculty Institute.

The College is asking all freshmen and seniors to complete the survey. The information you provide helps us—faculty and staff—to better understand academic programs and quality, as well as services that you believe warrant more institutional attention.

Questions range from academic experiences and extracurricular participation to campus environment and access to mentoring and learning resources.

Students who complete the survey will have the chance to win an iPad as well as gift cards to Starbucks and Panera.

The NSSE is a joint project led by the Dean of Students with the assistance of Institutional Research and Academic Affairs. If you have questions, contact Michael Duggan, associate vice president for institutional research.



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