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Community service on and off campus

Felicia Gulotta, Lindsey Paradis, and Kristina Monica

Felicia Gulotta ’17, Lindsey Paradis, and Kristina Monica ’18 craft ribbons of hope to people in Ferguson, Missouri, as part of Emerson’s MLK Day of Service on February 13, which had students, faculty, and staff performing acts of civic engagement both on and off campus. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

Students, faculty, and staff participated in civic engagement activities on and off campus February 13, as part of Emerson’s MLK Day of Service 2015.

Organized by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of Service Learning and Community Action, the Day of Service provides Emersonians a slew of ways to give back to the community.

Abria Smith

Abria Smith, a staff member of Berklee College of Music, stopped by Emerson’s Bordy Theater to craft greeting cards for the elderly as part of the MLK Day of Service. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

The College worked with City Mission Society of Boston to arrange for Emersonians to serve organizations working to end racial inequities, homelessness, and other social injustices.

Felicia Gullotta

Felicia Gullotta ’17 at the MLK Day of Service. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

On campus, many students participated in activities at the Bordy Theater, including:

·      Crafting messages of hope to the residents of Ferguson, Missouri, which will be distributed by the organization Ribbons of Hope

·      Creating scarves and snack bags for the people recently displaced from the Long Island Shelter in Boston through the organization Operation Boston Warm

·      Creating blankets for infants living with AIDS who receive services from St. Mary’s Shelter for Women and Infants

·      Creating “Happy Spring” cards to elderly people served by the organization Ethos

Kayla Smith and James Cannellos

Kayla Smith ’18 and James Cannellos ’17. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

Off campus, students engaged in service at local sites, which included:

·      Preparing and serving meals at Boston Rescue Mission

·      Assisting with hardware placement at World Computer Exchange

·      Engaging with schoolchildren at the Mather Elementary School, Russell Elementary School, and Haynes Early Education Center

Emily Reagan and Lauren Cataldo

Emily Reagan ’17 and Lauren Cataldo ’18 craft scarves for homeless people recently displaced from Boston’s Long Island Shelter. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)



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