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Historical performer Anderson awarded

John D. Anderson, the associate professor in Communication Studies known nationally for his one-person performances of prominent historical figures, has been named winner of the Distinguished Service Award from the Performance Studies Division of the National Communication Association (NCA).

John D. Anderson

Historical performer John D. Anderson, associate professor in Communication Studies, who is depicted in this recent photo as Henry James, received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Communication Association. (Courtesy Photo)

The award is the most prestigious given by the NCA’s Performance Studies Division, and is given for the recipient’s body of work and not an individual performance.

“It’s a great honor to be recognized by my peers in the Performance Studies Division,” Anderson said, “especially in the year that we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Communication Association. The NCA’s centennial has reminded me of the wonderful ethic of service that my mentors in the field have modeled for me.”

Anderson has most recently performed as Washington Irving and Henry James. During the performances, he gives lectures in character and then answers questions, first in character and then out.

“It’s not a theatrical performance but a form of embodied humanities scholarship,” Anderson said. “I also perform as Henry James, William Faulkner, and Robert Frost.”

John D. Anderson

John D. Anderson depicted as Washington Irving. (Courtesy Photo)



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