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Burritos boost Thanksgiving clothing drive

Cristina Gonzalez

Cristina Gonzalez ’15 says Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday. (Photo by Michelle Kwong ’15)

Whether it’s tasting Mom’s pumpkin pie or giving back to the community, Emerson students say Thanksgiving is all about coming together.

“Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I’m so excited,” said Christina Gonzalez ’15, a Visual and Media Arts major. “My mom always makes the food and I eat it while she cooks.”

For Emerson’s fraternities and sororities, they’re putting the “giving” back into Thanksgiving.

Kappa Gamma Chi and Phi Alpha Tau are hosting drives to gather clothing and other necessities for local charities. The Max Mutchnick Campus Center is also holding a food drive now through December 17 at the Campus Center Information Booth in Piano Row.

“It feels awesome, like a warmth that helps us connect to one another,” said Greg Wayne ’16, a member of Phi Alpha Tau and a Visual and Media Arts major.

Phi Alpha Tau’s creative clothing drive—which involved giving out a free Boloco burrito to each person who donated this week—will benefit the Homeless Services Bureau of the Boston Public Health Commission.

Phi Alpha Tau burrito

Phi Alpha Tau gave free Boloco burritos to students who donated clothing in the Little Building the week of November 17 to benefit the Homeless Services Bureau of the Boston Public Health Commission. In this photo are fraternity brothers Chris Dobens ’16, Derek Thompson ’16, Alex Sieklicki ’18, Gregory Wayne ’16, Julian Baeza Hochmuth ’17, and Daniel Riva ’18. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

The fraternity collected more than eight bags of clothing on the first night of the burrito-themed drive, which ended this week.

“Once someone donates, they get a free burrito,” Wayne said. “If they gave a generous donation, they also got chips and guacamole.”

The Kappa Gamma Chi sorority’s Emerald Empowerment campaign is continuing to collect donations for two local organizations that help people affected by domestic violence: Casa Myrna Vasquez and Transition House.

Giving back to the community around Thanksgiving is nothing new for many Emerson students, including Gonzalez, who said her family has volunteered at Worcester homeless shelters on the holiday in years past.

International student Lenny Alcid ’17, a Visual and Media Arts major, is most looking forward to visiting friends and family in the U.S. “I’m thankful for being in America because I wouldn’t have met all the people I have if I wasn’t here,” he said.

Lenny Alcid

Lenny Alcid ’17 is looking forward to Thanksgiving with friends. (Photo by Michelle Kwong ’17)

Annie Carroll ’17, a Journalism major, is least excited about the food this Thanksgiving—and for good reason. She’s getting her wisdom teeth removed the day before.

“I’m thankful for being able to go home,” said Carroll.

Annie Carroll

Annie Carroll ’17 is having her wisdom teeth removed the day before Thanksgiving. (Photo by Michelle Kwong ’15)

You can donate to the Kappa Gamma Chi clothing drive at a table in the Max Mutchnick Campus Center on Thursday, November 20, 6:00–9:00 pm; Friday, November 21, 2:00–5:00 pm; Monday, November 24, 6:00–9:00 pm; and Monday, December 1–Thursday, December 4, 6:00–9:00 pm. 



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