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Emerson to install large, outdoor artwork

Emerson will install a near football field-length design around the scaffolding outside the Little Building this weekend, depending on the weather. Curated by Visual and Media Arts Lois and Henry Foster Chair Joe Ketner, the project will transform the current scaffolding at the corner of Tremont and Boylston streets into a work of art.

A design will be installed on the scaffolding at the corner of Tremont and Boylston Streets.

Ketner chose a dynamic design by Yoon Lee to wrap around the scaffolding. Lee develops her compositions by bringing together elements as diverse as images that she’s compiled from popular media, her own sketches, and photographs she’s taken of man-made structures. She scans all of these elements into the computer and uses various filtering mechanisms to manipulate the forms and capture the sense of motion in them. She attempts to convey the sense of chaotic activity, speed, and intensity of contemporary life—not only in the physical world, but also as experienced in the digital realm.  

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