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Orientation 2011 was a hit

Emerson welcomed more than 900 new students to campus last week for Orientation 2011: Unleash Your Pride. The entire Emerson community, including students, parents, faculty, staff, and alumni participated in the excitement of the week, both in person and online.

As they arrived on campus, students and their families were greeted with music, singing, and dancing by more than 150 Orientation Leaders (OLs). The OLs then helped the new students unload items from cars into rolling carts and escorted them to their rooms. The entire move-in process for each student took just minutes.

“The process was awesome and very efficient,” said parent Mary Ann Lani. “Our son was moved in in five minutes!”

Once they were set up in their rooms, students participated in an Orientation packed with activities. This year’s schedule included performances by Boston’s Improv Asylum and “The Dating Doctor” David Coleman, the annual Orientation Leader dance, and several critical events, such as open houses at various campus locations and academic department meetings.

“I think the true Emersonian spirit shined brightly at Orientation, as evidenced by our new students fully participating and engaging with each other and the Emerson community in meaningful ways,” said Associate Dean of Students Sharon Duffy. “We are ready to start the year off on the right foot with new students who are so excited to be here.”

President Lee Pelton also took part in the week’s activities, helping some students move into their residence halls. Later, he addressed both the new students and, separately, their parents, welcoming them to the Emerson community.

“You and I came to Emerson together with the same hopes and fears about finding our place here,” said Pelton, who became Emerson’s president in July. “We have a special bond that will last a lifetime. Let us, you and I, honor our time here by…doing great things here.”

Emersonians also participated in Orientation online. They shared and viewed 250 pictures of the events on Flickr, sent more than 800 tweets about the week’s events on Twitter, and shared their advice for freshmen on Emerson’s Facebook page.

“Take advantage of all the opportunities relevant to your major,” Beverly Bachrach, MSSp ’66, wrote on Facebook. “They are in abundance between the College and the City of Boston.”

We’ve collected some of the #ECWelcome tweets, photos, and videos below.

View “Emerson College Move-In and Orientation 2011” on Storify



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