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Menino Encourages Students to Get Involved

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino spoke to a packed house at Emerson’s Bill Bordy Auditorium last night. Emerson’s Office of Student Life along with the Campus Activities Board invited the Mayor to speak to students about his rise in Massachusetts politics.

After a student thanked the Mayor for taking time to visit Emerson, he responded, “I like to talk with young people. I like telling people about our city, so you’re not a stranger. I want you to be part of this city; maybe you’ll want to remain here after you graduate.”

The Mayor told the students about his ONEin3 program, which serves the one-third of Boston’s population that is between the ages of 20 and 34. The program connects the city’s young adults with resources related to home buying, business development, professional networking, and civic engagement.

“I like to talk with young people. I like telling people about our city, so you’re not a stranger. I want you to be part of this city; maybe you’ll want to remain here after you graduate.”

–Boston Mayor Thomas Menino to Emerson students

Chair of the Department of Communication Studies and Professor Rich West was in attendance along with many Communication Studies students.



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