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Reminders About Fall 2023 COVID Protocols

Dear Emerson Community,

Welcome back! We hope you are settling in well for the Fall semester. While we are in the endemic phase of COVID-19, we want to acknowledge that COVID-19 remains with us. We want to share available resources with new members of the community as well as returning students, staff, and faculty. The One Emerson Knowledge Center site contains all the most recent and updated information regarding COVID-19 and college policies for the Boston campus. Students studying in Los Angeles, the Netherlands, or Paris should contact staff at those sites for more specific information. 


Here are a few steps you can take to minimize the spread of illness: 

  • Per CDC recommendations, do your best to avoid others who are sick, stay home if you are sick, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands to protect from germs, avoid touching your face, disinfect frequently touched areas especially when around others who are sick. 
  • Please remember to take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, keep hydrated, eat nutritious meals, stay active, and manage stress. We also recommend staying up to date on the latest COVID-19 vaccine, as well as other seasonal vaccines. 


The College will continue its optional masking policy for all indoor campus spaces. Anyone who wishes to wear a mask should feel free to do so in any setting. It is important to respect the individual choices our community members make regarding personal health decisions. Individuals who are experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness or test positive for COVID-19 should wear a mask around others.


Students, staff and faculty experiencing COVID-19-related symptoms should take a COVID-19 test. We recommend you maintain a small supply of rapid COVID-19 tests for your individual use. The health services staff at the Emerson Wellness Center have a limited number of rapid tests available for Emerson students in need. For more acute COVID-19 related symptoms, Emerson students can contact Health Services at 617-824-8666 to arrange an appointment, phone consult, or telehealth appointment. Faculty and staff should take a rapid COVID-19 test and consult with their primary care providers if they have concerns about COVID-19. 


Students who test positive for COVID-19 are strongly encouraged to complete the COVID Self Reporting Form, which will share relevant information with health services staff at the Emerson Wellness Center. Upon receipt, you will receive an email with specific information to help answer your questions and direct you to the One Emerson Knowledge Center. If you have general questions related to COVID-19 policies, please email For medical questions related to COVID-19, please email Health Services at or call 617-824-8666. If your situation is urgent and you need emergency assistance please call 911. Staff and faculty who test positive for COVID-19 should seek medical guidance from their primary care provider as needed. Staff and faculty can also find information at the One Emerson Knowledge Center. If you have general questions related to COVID-19 policies, please email


The College is following a protocol of isolation in place, meaning students who test positive should isolate in place in their existing room assignment or off-campus residence. Per the CDC guidelines, individuals who test positive should isolate themselves in their spaces from day 0 to day 5. On days 6-10, individuals may return to their communities while wearing a well fitting mask as long as they are fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medications. Policies and directions for quarantine and isolation can be found. 

Thank you and we hope you have a healthy semester!

Emerson Wellness Center