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Move-In Photos: Welcome to Campus!

  • students in blue t shirts dance around a rolling bin
  • student in blue t shirt and new student in purple Emerson sweatshirt, luggage beside him, raise fists in air
  • student in blue t shirt and white bandana gestures with bullhorn in front of SUV
  • Griff the lion walks down Tremont Street with student in pink t shirt making heart sign with hands
  • students in blue t-shirts line Tremont Street and cheer for line of cars carrying new students and families
  • student in pink t shirt yells into bullhorn as cars drive by
  • President Bernhardt shakes hands with man in grey shirt as students and Dean Jim Hoppe unload cars
  • students dance in front of the Little Building
  • students in blue t-shirts line up on street with rolling bins

Much of the Class of 2027 arrived on campus Tuesday, August 29, where they were greeted by dancing, cheering students in T-shirts and tutus, who loaded their belongings into rolling bins and whisked them up to their new home for the next eight months.

Staff and administrators, including President Jay Bernhardt and Dean of Campus Life Jim Hoppe, came in with an assist, and Griff the Lion made an appearance.

On Sunday, August 27, new students arriving for the BIPOC Student Pre-Orientation were met with the same joyous atmosphere. Undergraduate New Student Orientation runs from August 29-September 3.

Photos/Caroline Alden Photograph