In Preparation for MBTA Closures
In preparation for the closure of the Orange Line starting August 19, 2022, the Campus Life Office and Off-Campus Student Services wants to share the following information that may be helpful to you:
- The Orange Line will be shut down for one month starting on August 19.
- The Green Line Extension will also be closed for some time, overlapping with the Orange Line closure. The MBTA has shared these alternative public transit options for the Orange Line.
- The City of Boston is offering FREE Blue Bike memberships for the month.
- If you choose to ride your own bike to campus, don’t forget that bike rooms are available on campus and more information is available on the Emerson website.
- Emerson also offers discounted daily parking rates for students at the Boston Common Garage and the Ritz Garage. More information can be found in the “Discount Parking at Boston Common & VPNE Garages” section of the Emerson website.
- Don’t forget that the following spaces are available around our Campus for you to use if you can’t easily travel back and forth between your off-campus space and campus (and are available anytime, even after the Orange Line is back up and running):
- The Lion’s Den is open Monday-Friday. The Coffee Bar is open 7:00 am-3:30 pm, and the Grill is open 11:00 am-8:00 pm.
- 172 Tremont Street is open 9:00 am-5:00 pm Monday through Friday now until September 1. Starting September 2, the building will open at 8:00 am, though students will be able to access the buildings starting at 7:30 am. The building closes at 12:00 am daily.
- Study and meeting spaces within 172 Tremont are available to be reserved online through SpaceBook. The Community Kitchen is also available if students need a place to store or prepare meals during the day.
- There is also a large selection of board games that can be checked out within the building if you need to unwind between classes or are waiting for public transportation.
- Off campus students looking to rent a storage locker for the semester can also do so through the 172 Tremont service desk.
- The Iwasaki Library has study rooms available to be booked via Spacebook, new comfy bean bag seating, and an accessible/sensory friendly space. We also have circulating laptops and headphones.
- As we all may experience increased commuting times due to this closure, it is important to plan ahead and adjust your travel time accordingly to allow enough time to attend your classes and other meetings on time. However, should you find that you will be late to a class, the best advice is to notify your professor and keep communication open. The faculty set the attendance and lateness policies in their classes, so be sure to understand those policies.
Please feel free to contact us with questions.
Campus Life at Emerson College