Reaffirming Emerson’s Values
As our nation wraps up another celebration of its independence, I want to take a moment to reflect on and reaffirm Emerson’s values, as they relate to freedom, equality, and equity.
Respect and equal treatment for people of all backgrounds, orientations, beliefs, and physical capabilities is a pillar of the College’s mission. This is non-negotiable. We can only fulfill our mission in full — with respect to academic excellence, critical and creative thinking, and appreciation for and acceptance of diverse ideas – when all members of our community are valued. Truly, you are integral to the life of the College.
We are committed to doing all that we can to create a welcoming, just, and equitable environment for every member of our community, and to working to dismantle practices and systems within the institution that oppress or alienate. To this end, as many of you know, the College has partnered with Beyond Racial Equity, who is helping us with this crucial work.
There are forces in this country, and even in this city, that are trying to roll back rights for many in order to concentrate power among the few, and they’re growing louder. But our ideas are stronger, and we will work every day to live up to their great promise.
I hope you have a safe and fulfilling summer.
William P. Gilligan,
Interim President