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Student Agreement and Signature Requirement

Dear Students,

As we head toward the close of the Spring semester and begin to prepare for the new academic year, we are writing to provide information about the College’s Student Agreement and signature requirement. This agreement for students enrolled at Emerson provides information about the standard terms, conditions, and policies associated with your enrollment at Emerson College. This includes information about your rights and responsibilities regarding payment, refunds, and the use of student fees. We want to ensure that this important information, which outlines your responsibilities as a student, is easily accessible and that students understand and agree to these terms and conditions prior to enrolling or continuing their enrollment at Emerson.

A link to this Student Agreement can be found.  Please note, this agreement must be signed prior to April 25, 2022 to avoid any holds on your student record. A hold will prevent registration for new courses and the ability to add or drop courses for the Summer and Fall 2022 semesters. The hold will be removed as soon as this agreement is signed and completed.  Students with holds will continue to receive reminders to sign the agreement until August, at which time these students may risk the loss of their Fall 2022 course registration if the agreement has not been signed.

For additional information about the agreement, please see the online FAQ

Jan Roberts-Breslin, Interim Provost
Ruthanne Madsen, Vice President for Enrollment Management

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