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COVID Update: Policy Adjustments Effective February 7

Dear Emerson students, faculty and staff;

We write today to thank everyone for their continued support and adherence to all of our COVID policies as we have returned successfully to campus for the Spring 2022 term. 

As we continue to assess positive COVID case rates within our Emerson community and around Boston area, we are pleased to share the following adjustments to our current COVID policies on the Boston campus, effective Monday, February 7, 2022

  • All members of the Emerson community will now be required to test only once per each seven-day period at the 116 Harrison Avenue test center. Tufts Medical Center and Emerson will continue to utilize individual PCR tests at this time. Be sure to sign up for your weekly testing day and time here. LA and Kasteel Well community members must continue to follow the guidelines shared by their community.
  • Non-Emerson guests will now be permitted to enter Emerson College spaces (non-residential) for academic related purposes and after being registered in our iVisitor system by an Emerson faculty or staff host. Please note: It is the host’s responsibility to ensure that the visiting individual has up-to-date COVID vaccine and booster documentation and is not exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19. Guests must complete an attestation prior to arrival to campus.
    • The visitor will be required to enter the host name and Emerson email address on the form. Upon submitting the form, the host will receive an email with the visitor’s vaccine and test information. Failure to adhere to this process may result in loss of guest privileges for any member of our community. 
    • While non-Emerson guests will not yet be permitted into residence halls, our goal is to evaluate that restriction in the coming weeks.
  • Food will now be allowed for events that are approved to take place in campus spaces. Please continue to take proper precautions to limit the amount of time guests are unmasked to limit any potential spread of virus. 
  • The Dining Center and other dining facilities will return to normal operations and capacities. Masks should only be removed when actively eating or drinking at a table. The Grab-and-Go option still remains.
  • Spectators will be permitted to attend athletic events and must follow the College’s policies for the event, including remaining masked at all times. 
  • Proper use of masks and hand washing continue to be a foundational piece of our safety plan. Masks will continue to be required in all indoor spaces, except for when an individual is alone in a private room or office. Please continue to use the hand sanitizer stations around campus.

Please stay tuned for additional announcements, including more specific guidance for the upcoming Spring Break. 

Emerson will continue to monitor conditions, public health guidance, and recommendations and requirements from local and national authorities.  Emerson may, at its discretion, alter its plans and protocols; access to facilities; and modalities of courses, services, and activities at any time. 

We thank you for your continued adherence to these guidelines and will continue to provide updates to the community as conditions improve on campus and in the city.

Be well,
Erik Muurisepp

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