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Call for Nominations: Spirit of Emerson and Robert Colby Kindness Awards

Dear Members of the Emerson Community

It’s that time of year when we think about the extraordinary Emersonians around us and honor them with nominations for the Spirit of Emerson Award or the Robert Colby Kindness Award (or both). These awards recognize individuals or groups for their Emerson spirit, positivity, kindness, and contributions to the Emerson community and beyond.

This year, through a generous donation, we are able to increase the award amounts to $400 each (in the case of multiple winners, this may be shared).

All members of the community who have been here for at least one year are eligible for the Spirit of Emerson Award (two years for the Robert Colby Kindness Award): students, staff, faculty, administration, parents, alumni, Alumni Board of Directors, Trustees, or Advisors.

Nominees for the Spirit of Emerson Award must meet at least three of 10 listed criteria, such as building morale within the Emerson community, making Emerson a better place, or making substantial contributions to advancing social justice, inclusiveness, and diversity. The full list of criteria can be found on the Spirit of Emerson web page.

The Robert Colby Kindness Award celebrates those who live and exude kindness by example; demonstrate universal, non-discriminatory kindness; and whose kindness goes above and beyond what is expected of them in their job or role in the community.

You may nominate someone for either award via a short form on the award web pages, or email chair or student coordinator

Nominations may be brief, but should include specific examples that reflect the criteria. Nominations for both awards are due by Monday, January 31, 2022, at 5:00 pm.

As we close out another challenging year, it’s important to recognize how tirelessly Emersonians are working, whether it be faculty in the classroom, students in organizations or at their desks late at night, staff and administration in offices (or at home), or alumni, trustees, and advisors out in the community. Please take a few minutes to think about an Emersonian you know who’s had an impact and share a nomination.


Jaqi Holland
Chair, Spirit of Emerson Committee

Assistant Director, Academic Support
Writing and Academic Resource Center

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