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COVID-19 Update: Vaccination

Hello Emerson students,

As you know, next Monday, April 19, Massachusetts enters Phase Three of the COVID vaccination plan and the general population will be eligible to make an appointment for a vaccine.  We strongly encourage all members of the Emerson community to get a COVID vaccine.  Due to the timing of entering Phase Three and the end of our academic year, we understand many students may choose to get their vaccine after leaving Boston. 

If students are remaining in Boston, or are going to get the vaccine in Boston prior to the end of the Spring term, we wanted to share the following information:

  • Individuals can pre-register with the state to be notified when the vaccine is available to you and where you can sign up for an appointment.  That can be done on the MA Vaccine Page. This is for sites that are operated in conjunction with the state and are considered “mass vaccination sites”.
  • Individuals can also search for availability through the site, which will assist in locating availability throughout the state at various locations. 
  • Vaccine appointments can also be found directly through local pharmacies, like CVS and Walgreens, as well as many other local establishments. 
  • Several people have found success in following social media pages such as @vaccinetime and @vaccinealert on Twitter.  These accounts alert the community when appointments open up around the state.  

If you are a residential student and received your first vaccine dose (Pfizer or Moderna) before April 26, and your second dose is then scheduled for after the residence halls close, please log in to your housing portal to apply for a late stay request. If your intended second dose of the vaccine is scheduled for after May 7, you should email to request a longer term extension. You must apply on or before April 26, 2021 for consideration.  

Once you receive your vaccine, please make sure you keep a record of your vaccine and then log into your Student Health Portal to enter the dates of your vaccines and upload your records. Center for Health and Wellness staff will verify your documentation. If you experience any side effects from the vaccine, please complete your symptom checker and reach out to the Center for Health and Wellness or your medical provider.  

As a reminder, all Emerson COVID policies and guidelines remain in effect for the entire semester, regardless of vaccination status (this means you are still expected to test according to your cohort testing schedule, wear a mask when away from your private residence, complete the daily symptom check, avoid large gatherings, wash your hands, etc.).  We are continuing to explore the possibility of setting up a vaccination clinic with Tufts Medical Center at the start of the Fall semester should the supply chain open up. 

Thank you for your cooperation and please let me know if you have any questions.

Be well,
Erik Muurisepp
COVID-19 Lead
AVP, Campus Life

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