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COVID-19 Update: Vaccine Administration Information

Emerson Faculty and Staff;

As with everything COVID, we learn more every day about vaccination distribution and prioritization and we will continue to keep you updated. We want to share what we know and what we are anticipating regarding vaccinations for the Emerson community.

  • Tufts Medical Center (TMC), Emerson’s COVID testing site partner, has included the Emerson community in their vaccination clinic planning and is prepared to administer the vaccine to staff, faculty and students according to the Massachusetts Vaccination Plan below.
  • TMC will distribute the vaccine to the Emerson community based on Massachusetts protocols, order of priority, and as its supplies allow.
  • Emerson’s Campus Police and Center for Health & Wellness clinicians have been designated as eligible for the Massachusetts Phase One Vaccination Plan.
  • The general population, and the Emerson community, excluding those listed above, have been designated as eligible for the Massachusetts Phase Three Vaccination Plan.

If you are able to secure a vaccine elsewhere, or in an earlier phase at TMC, we encourage you to do so. We will share the details of the TMC vaccination clinic as we approach each phase of the vaccination plan.

*Higher Education, including College Professors and Bon Appetit dining staff are not included in the State’s Phase Two education plan, and are included in Phase Three, in order of priority.

MassachusettsVaccination Program

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