COVID-19 Update: Testing Compliance, Boston Flex
Dear Students,
With just four weeks left on campus, we require students studying in person (Flex) on the Boston campus to continue to test weekly, which means making an appointment and testing once every seven days.
- Starting on Monday, we will send an individual reminder to each student on the morning of the seventh day since their last test.
- If you do not test on that day, we will send you a final reminder that evening to test by noon on the following day.
- If you do not test by that time, your campus ID card will be deactivated, and you will only be able to enter your dorm room. Your ID card will not be reactivated until you go to test AND a negative result is received.
The testing center will be open on Veteran’s Day, November 11, from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm.
Finally, please also remember to fill out your symptom checker every day, at least two minutes before you need to enter a building.
Thank you for continuing to help keep the Emerson community safe.
Erik Muurisepp
COVID-19 LeadAVP, Campus Life