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High Holiday Season Gatherings for Emerson’s Jewish Community

apples and honey
Photo by Josh Bousel via Creative Commons

By Rachel Tabin ’23

Despite being fully online, Emerson’s Hillel has many events coming up for the High Holiday season, from a Rosh HaShanah Zoom Shabbat to Wednesday night yoga practices. Here is a list of events along with explanations and links to RSVP. 

Rosh HaShanah Zoom Shabbat – Students will grab their own meals and join us for a Rosh HaShanah Shabbat service and then dinner via Zoom on September 18 at 6:30 pm EST.

Higher Holidays (September 18-29) – High Holidays (among everything else) look a bit different this year. Elevate your High Holiday experience through livestreams with celebrity musicians, writers, and performers from September 18-29. Emerson Hillel will join these services with the wider global Hillel community. Space is limited so be sure to sign up now!

Yom Kippur Break Fast (September 28) – SAVE THE DATE! Stop by 172 Tremont to pick up a bagel to break the fast after Yom Kippur! More information to come! 

Yoga Otzmah with Evan Joblin, Part 2 (September 30) – SAVE THE DATE! Join Emerson Hillel and yoga instructor Evan Joblin for a night of yoga, relaxation, and fun on September 30 at 7:00 pm!

For more information on participating in Hillel and our gatherings for the Jewish community at Emerson, please follow us on instagram at @Emersonhillel or on EmConnect:

Rachel Tabin is president of Emerson Hillel.

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