High Holiday Season Gatherings for Emerson’s Jewish Community

By Rachel Tabin ’23
Despite being fully online, Emerson’s Hillel has many events coming up for the High Holiday season, from a Rosh HaShanah Zoom Shabbat to Wednesday night yoga practices. Here is a list of events along with explanations and links to RSVP.
Rosh HaShanah Zoom Shabbat – Students will grab their own meals and join us for a Rosh HaShanah Shabbat service and then dinner via Zoom on September 18 at 6:30 pm EST. https://emconnect.emerson.edu/event/6417736
Higher Holidays (September 18-29) – High Holidays (among everything else) look a bit different this year. Elevate your High Holiday experience through livestreams with celebrity musicians, writers, and performers from September 18-29. Emerson Hillel will join these services with the wider global Hillel community. Space is limited so be sure to sign up now! bit.ly/34jKfg4
Yom Kippur Break Fast (September 28) – SAVE THE DATE! Stop by 172 Tremont to pick up a bagel to break the fast after Yom Kippur! More information to come!
Yoga Otzmah with Evan Joblin, Part 2 (September 30) – SAVE THE DATE! Join Emerson Hillel and yoga instructor Evan Joblin for a night of yoga, relaxation, and fun on September 30 at 7:00 pm!
For more information on participating in Hillel and our gatherings for the Jewish community at Emerson, please follow us on instagram at @Emersonhillel or on EmConnect: https://emconnect.emerson.edu/organization/hillel
Rachel Tabin is president of Emerson Hillel.