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One Emerson: On-Campus Classes Start in Boston!


I hope classes are going well so far. Here is some information for the start of in-person classes on the Boston campus tomorrow.

Green Badge Required for Entry

Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 2, everyone coming to campus must complete a very brief daily self-report of new symptoms on the Emerson mobile app. If you have no symptoms, you will receive a green badge in the app and be cleared for campus access beginning September 2 at 7:00 am. Please have the green badge screen ready to present to security when you tap into each building.

Students experiencing symptoms are instructed to contact the Center for Health and Wellness at 617-824-8666 or

If you don’t have a smartphone, you can access the symptom tracker on the web. As above you will be cleared to enter campus if you do not report any new symptoms. If you report new symptoms, please contact the Center for Health and Wellness.

Building Signage

This video has an introduction to new building signage to keep each other safe:

A couple of key takeaways:

  • Use the stairs if you are able in order to keep the elevators de-densified and moving as quickly as possible for those who are not able to use the stairs.
  • Take note of the elevator capacity before boarding and/or use the stickers on the elevator floor to see how many people are allowed and where to stand.

Getting to Classes in the W Hotel

Here’s a video showing how to get to classes in the W Hotel starting from immediately outside the entrance to the W. All classes will be on the mezzanine level. While the video shows how to reach the mezzanine via the stairs, elevators are located just past the base of the stairs and can easily be taken to the mezzanine.

The W is located at 1000 Stuart Street, between Tremont and Warrenton streets, right across the street from Rock Bottom restaurant and the back entrance to the City Place food court.

Getting to Classes in Park Plaza

Classes in the Park Plaza will be located on the first floor. This video shows how to get to the Park Plaza from the sidewalk in front of the Dining Center. Upon entering the main doors, you’ll follow the bar all the way down, turn right, and see the Starbucks. You’ll see the entrance for classes right next to Starbucks.

Note that while the video takes viewers down Park Plaza road to the main entrance of the Park Plaza Hotel, Emerson students can also use the valet entrance on the Columbus Avenue side of the building. That private side entrance will only be for Emerson use, and will have Emerson signage marking it.

Dining Center

Here’s a short video about using the Dining Center this semester. Elevators are available for anyone who is not able to use the stairs.

In order to prioritize accessibility, we have reserved accessible seating in CenterStage and in the Lion’s Den for those who need it. If you have questions about the seating, please contact Student Accessibility Services at

Floor Plans

To see floor plan images for each classroom and each building floor that has class meeting spaces, visit Navigating Campus Safely on the One Emerson site. Building floor pages include information about elevators and stairwells. Classroom floor plans include the de-densification seating charts.

Transparent Face Covers for Faculty

As a reminder, you can request that your faculty wear face covers with a clear mouth covering if that will help you to more easily understand them. The College will provide these face coverings to faculty upon a student’s request. If you’d prefer that one or more of your faculty members wear a transparent face covering, please ask them directly to do so. If you are unable to ask them, please contact Student Accessibility Services at or 617-824-8592.

Reserving Spaces

Another reminder: You can identify and book individual study spaces on our room reservation system, Spacebook. These include classrooms (ranging in capacity from three to six people) to library study carrels. These are great for:

  • Studying
  • Meetings for projects, classes, orgs
  • Online class meeting times
  • Take-home quizzes and exams
  • WARC tutoring sessions with an online consultant
  • Telehealth appointments with Center for Health & Wellness, Emerson Counseling & Psychological Services, or an outside medical provider.

For more information, check out Fall 2020 Booking Information and How to Use EMS/Spacebook.

As a final note, we will have more people on campus tomorrow than we’ve had since early March. Remember:

  • Do your symptom check each day before arriving
  • Wear a clean and dry face covering
  • Maintain social distancing (REALLY, all the time)
  • Wash or sanitize your hands
  • Get your weekly COVID test.

This is going to be a year like no other. Let’s keep each other safe and keep this place open for all of you who came to Boston to study, learn, and connect.

With all best wishes for a great start to the term,
Jim Hoppe
Vice President and Dean for Campus Life

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