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Boston Residence Hall Check Out, Storage and Shipping

Here are additional storage, shipping and move out options and details from the staff in Housing & Residence Education.

How can we assist you in the move out? 

  • Carts are available in each residence hall. You may sign them out for 30 minutes at a time. 
  • The mailroom is open Sunday, March 15 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm. 
  • Although we are currently not allowing guests in the residence halls, we realize you may need assistance in the move out process and you are allowed to have guest(s) assist you in the move out for a 2-hour period. They are able to be signed in and will receive a pass at the tap desk of your residence hall. 

How do I Check Out?

  • Pack up all of your belongings
  • Remove all trash
  • Once you have fully moved out of your room (all belongings are out) make sure the door locks behind you
  • Fill out an express checkout envelope which is located at the express check outbox in your residence hall lobby by the tap desk
  • Put all of your keys in the express checkout envelope
  • Put the envelope in the express checkout box

Storage & Shipping Options


The UPS Store on Tremont Street does offer storage plans and shipping options for students. To find out information on their packages please go to

UPS is setting up a pop-up shop on campus Sunday, March 15, from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm in Piano Row 117. They have all supplies both at their store and the pop-up shop. 

New England Student Services

Please see storage options on their website ( and you are able to contract with them directly. They will be doing a central drop off on campus for you to drop your boxes/items off  and we will coordinate directly with them to pick up all items after we close on March 20. They, like UPS, will do campus or apartment drop-offs for the Fall 2020 semester.  We will have boxes and labels will be available starting on Monday. March 16, in Piano Row L1 from 10:00 am- 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday, and Friday, 8:00 am- 12:00 pm. 

To utilize their service you must be able to bring your packed items to Piano Row (150 Boylston) L1, from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday through Thursday, and Friday, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. 

Emerson (storage only)

  • The College will be able to offer storage for residential students on a limited basis.
  • We anticipate boxes being available starting at 10:00 am Monday, March 16, for pick up in Piano Row L1. 
  • Please note to use this option you must pack belongings in boxes provided by the college.
  • Space is limited, so if you have the ability to remove your belongings or store them elsewhere, please do so.  There are many who do not have the resources or support to move their belongings, and we do not want concern over costs associated with storing belongings to be a barrier. 
  • Empty box pick up and storage times are at Piano Row (150 Boylston) L1, from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday through Thursday,  and Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm (March 16-20).
  • Boxes will be tagged with your name, EmersonID, and cell phone.
  • We are not able to store liquids or perishable items.
  • While the items will be secured, you will need to acknowledge you are storing your items at your own risk.  The college will not reimburse for items damaged in transit or while stacked in storage.
  • You will be able to access your belongings when you return to campus for the fall semester.  We can not guarantee access to your belongings prior to the start of the fall term.

If you have questions please come to Piano Row L1 during the times listed above or call the Campus Life office at (617) 824-8620. 

As a reminder, anyone assisting you with your moving, packing or storage process in the residence hall must be checked in and escorted by you at all times. 

Lastly, if you have already left campus, and need assistance in making a plan for your items and returning your keys, please email Kendra Stokes directly at who is able to assist you in this process. 

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