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Call for Nominations: Spirit of Emerson and Kindness Awards

Dear Emerson Students, Faculty, and Staff,

The Spirit of Emerson Committee is calling for nominations for the 2020 Spirit of Emerson Award, given annually to one or two individuals or groups who have exemplified the College spirit, and new this year, the Kindness Award, which honors a person or persons who spreads “unconditional, unwavering, and selfless kindness” among the community.

Nominations for both awards, selected by the Spirit of Emerson Committee, are due Friday, January 31, 2020, 5:00 pm.

Spirit of Emerson Award

The Spirit of Emerson is a positive outpouring of the College’s activities, interpersonal relations, creations, diversity, and expression, including the spirit stated in Emerson’s mission statement, President Pelton’s five strategic objectives, our legacy, motto, and/or “E-spirit.” E-spirit is electric, innovative energy in thought and creation, in which “E” stands simultaneously for “electric” and “Emerson.”

Nominations will be accepted from any member of the Emerson community, including self-nominations. Anyone may make multiple nominations. Community members (students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni, Alumni Board, parents, Trustees, and Advisors) who have been part of the Emerson community for at least one year are eligible, as is any group composed of eligible individuals.

Recipients of the award must succeed, if not lead, in at least three of the following criteria:

  • Advancing Emerson’s mission, including President Pelton’s five strategic objectives
  • Building morale within the Emerson community
  • Creating pro-social/humanistic accomplishment at the College
  • Increasing “school spirit”
  • Making substantial contributions to advancing social justice, inclusiveness, and diversity
  • Unconditional giving to Emerson
  • Increasing Emerson’s positive visibility in the world or Boston community
  • Actively acknowledging others who amplify the spirit of Emerson
  • Radiance
  • Making Emerson a “better place,” however the committee interprets those words.

Submissions may be made via this online form. For more information about the Spirit of Emerson Award and the Award Committee, visit the Spirit of Emerson web page.

Kindness Award

Kindness Award recipients should exemplify traits of generosity, teamwork, compassion, and ethics. Anyone within the Emerson community (student, faculty, staff, alumna/us, parent, governing board member) may nominate someone who has been part of the community for at least two years, or a group of eligible individuals. Self-nominations are not permitted.

Nominations must include the nominee’s name, role, and contact information, along with a narrative or example of the nominee’s kindness in action. Submissions may be emailed to or, or via this online form.

Thank you for taking the time to recognize your fellow Emersonians.

Jaqi Holland
Chair, Spirit of Emerson Committee

Assistant Director, Academic Support
Writing and Academic Resource Center

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