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Sidewalk Construction Update

Dear Emerson Community,

Due to an infrastructure issue located beneath the sidewalk at the corner of Boylston and Tremont Street, the work schedule for next week will be Monday-Thursday, from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am with the loudest noise occurring between 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm. 

The work next week will include:

  • Saw cutting roadway to get to location beneath the sidewalk
  • Removal of backfill from the underground site to get to the designated location  
  • Continue daily waterproofing efforts in front of the Bookstore throughout the week  

As you can see, there has been substantial progress in reconstructing various areas of the sidewalk. With your support and assistance, this progress will continue to bring us closer to completion. 

Thanks for your continued cooperation. 

Peggy Ings
Vice President, Government and Community Relations

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