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Fall 2018 Bias Reports

Dear Emerson community,

During the Fall 2018 semester, the Social Justice Center received 18 reports of bias-related incidents. The vast majority of reports occurred in Emerson classrooms and involved bias based on gender identity and expression, and ethnicity and culture.

Although reporting is down from the previous fall, there was an increase in anonymous reporting in Fall 2018. Follow-up on non-anonymous reports may include the provision of support to the person(s) affected, education for the individual(s) engaging in bias, or other actions.

If you have been impacted by bias and would like to connect to someone in the Social Justice Center and/or report your experience, you can do so by submitting a report at with the option of remaining anonymous, emailing, or calling 617-824-8528.

Sylvia Spears
Vice President for Equity and Social Justice

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