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Pelton Tells NPR About Emerson’s Response to Racist Flyers

President Lee Pelton talked to NPR’s Scott Simon last weekend about his response to racist emails and flyers that have targeted Emerson College this year.

Pelton told Simon that he doesn’t believe the groups behind the propaganda chose Emerson — one of several campuses selected — in order to recruit from within the campus, but rather to intimidate the community and provoke reactions from Emerson that would help them recruit in other places.

He said the most important thing to do in these situations is to reassert Emerson’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

“We tried not to overreact while making clear that we will not be intimidated by these groups, that we will stand together as a community no matter our political affiliations, whether one is a Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or independent, and that all of us want to denounce these hateful acts.”

Listen to the segment on the WBUR website.

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