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Alumna-Directed Show Explores Faith and Sexuality

There is a line near the beginning of the one-man show Sacred & Profane that sums up the source of conflict: “At the same time that I became a born-again Christian, I was also becoming a homosexual.”

The man is Tim Lewis, writer and performer of Sacred & Profane. The show, described as “a radical parable of freedom—an unconventional coming-out story that reimagines the mysteries of life, love, and the divine.” It details the struggle Lewis felt growing up and coming to terms with his identity.

“There are a lot of other people in my shoes, whether they are dealing with their sexual, gender, or religious identities,” said Lewis. “I hope that the approach I took to sorting through it all helps other people on their own journeys.”

Lewis rehearsed the show at Emerson College Los Angeles (ELA) on February 10, and will perform it for an audience of students and alumni on Friday, March 10. Directed by Emerson alumna Quinn Marcus ’13 (A Little of Your Time with Quinn Marcus, Alone with People, and Girl Code), the performance will be filmed live by a small ELA student crew led by alumnus Greg Crafts ’03, actor-playwright and founding member/managing director of Theatre Unleashed.

Quinn Marcus '13, center, listens as Greg Crafts talks to the student crew. Photo/Daryl Paranada

Sacred & Profane is an incredibly heartwarming and profound story about self-discovery and faith,” said Crafts. “Even as a heterosexual, cisgender male, I found something in the story about faith that really resonated with me, and there are many other elements in the story people can connect with.”

Members of the crew include: Becca Chairin ’17, camera operator; Bridget Driscoll ’17, house manager; Nydia Hartono ’17, cinematographer; Amanda Koenig ’17, assistant producer; Katie Pintado ’18, stage manager; and Emily Trio ‘17, editor.

Pintado and Marcus worked together previously on Chasing Ballerinas: A Coming of Gay Story, a one-woman comedy show about conditional love that Marcus performed in 2014-15.

“It feels surreal and like I’m coming full circle working with her again, especially on a special project [like this],” said Pintado, an Acting major. “Crossing Quinn’s path has helped me more than she knows.”

Katie Pintado ’18 with Greg Crafts '03. Photo/Daryl Paranada

Marcus first met Lewis in 2015 when they worked on a production together and they instantly connected. She encouraged him to create the show, which they’ve been working on together since the summer of 2016. 

“Tim wrote this amazing show,” said Marcus. “We’re hoping to show it across the U.S.”

Lewis and Marcus hope to take the reel that the ELA students will help to produce and use it to pitch to festivals.

“I feel like I’ve become an adopted Emerson alumn[us],” said Lewis. “I’m really grateful. It means a lot to me that Emersonians have been so supportive of me in many ways.”

Tim Lewis performs in Sacred & Profane. Photo/Daryl Paranada

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