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BLACKOUT Shines Light on Black Fashion

Designer Adele Masengo Ngoy introduces herself to the audience at the second BLACKOUT fashion show, held Friday, February 26, in the Cabaret. Behind Ngoy are models Kai Grayson '17 and Nathaniel Charles '17. Photo/Nick Eaton '17

For the second year in a row, the BLACKOUT fashion show drew in a full house to see Adele Masengo Ngoy’s designs in Emerson’s Cabaret on February 26.

The show, the final event of Emerson College’s Black History Month celebration, showcased black fashion that draws inspiration from Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States. It was sponsored by Multicultural Student Affairs and Emerson’s Black Organization with Natural Interests (EBONI).

Twenty-four Emerson students modeled Ngoy’s outfits up and down the runway. Ngoy has more than 30 years of experience in fashion design. The line modeled on Friday night is called “Miriam Makeba.”

The night began with a performance from Berklee College of Music student Ny Ony and company, followed by the show. Announcers Sam Geoghegan ’17 and Alexandria Ellison ’17 warmed up the crowd before model Peyton Dix ’16 took to the runway.

Models included: Dix, Stanson Afoa ’17, Erin Burgess ’18, Becca Chairin ’17, Nathaniel Charles ’17, Taylor Jett ’17, Penélope de la Rosa ’17, Elisha Dumont ’17, Kai Grayson ’17, Jonathan Gutierrez ’16, Tommy Higgins ’17, Yasmina Hilal ’18, Kayla Jung ’16, Dina Kleiner ’18, Serena Koo ’17, Ebrima Manjang ’18, Malachi McDonald ’19, Luis Mejias ’17, Larianny Perez ’17, Xia Rondeau ’17, Katie Sack ’17, Zeke St. John ’18, Kayla Smith ’18, and Cat Yamashita ’18.

Charles produced the show and said he was proud and excited for everyone in the show.

Baby Sistah Cookies catered the post-event reception.

Penélope de la Rosa models an outfit during the fashion show. Nick Eaton '17

Ebrima Manjang '18 was a model in the BLACKOUT fashion show. Photo/Nick Eaton '17

Serena Koo '17 models in the BLACKOUT fashin show February 26. Photo/Nick Eaton '17

Larianny Perez '17 models an Ngoy design during the BLACKOUT fashion show. Photo/Nick Eaton '17

Peyton Dix '16 walks the runway in the Cabaret on February 26. Photo/Nick Eaton '17

Nathaniel Charles '17 and Taylor Jett '16 model fashions in the Little Building Cabaret. Photo/Nick Eaton '17

Stanson Afoa '17 shows off an outfit from Ngoy's men's collection. Photo/Nick Eaton '17
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