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Student, Faculty Present Communications Research in Bangkok

Left to right, Enric Ordeix, Blanquerna School of Communication; Inka Stever, Zayed University; Pavel Slutsky, Chulalongkorn University; Gaelle Duthler, Zayed University; and Vincent Raynauld, assistant professor, Emerson College, attend the Cross-Cultural Communication Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, last month.

Alexandra Howard ’17, a Political Communication major, and Communication Studies faculty Vincent Raynauld represented Emerson College at the Cross-Cultural Communication Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, on January 28 and 29.

The conference featured research on topics including corporate communication, marketing communication, and political communication. It was organized by Emerson, along with Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok; Zayed University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and Blanquerna School of Communication in Barcelona, Spain.

Howard’s presentation, “Saving the World, One Country at a Time: The Impacts of Culture in International Nonprofit Organizations,” focused on the role of culture in communication strategies of nonprofits.

Raynauld’s presentation featured work from a broader collaborative project with researchers based at two Canadian universities, which received funding from the Canadian government’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Titled “Canada is #IdleNoMore: Unpacking Dynamics of Indigenous Political Engagement on Twitter,” Raynauld’s research dissected uses of social media by Indigenous Peoples of Canada and their non-Indigenous supporters for activist communication and protest.

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