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To China, with Mandarin

Miss World 2015 and Jingzia Wei

Jingxia Wei, an IMC graduate student, teaches basic Mandarin to Miss World America 2015 Victoria Mendoza.

Summer in Boston has always been fun, but for one Emerson graduate student, it’s now a bit more beautiful, too.

Jingxia Wei, a graduate student in Emerson’s Integrated Marketing Communication program, decided to spend some time this summer volunteering to teach basic Mandarin to Victoria Mendoza, who is Miss World America 2015. The next Miss World competition will be held in Sanya, China, in December.

Wei has always been passionate about empowering women, and when she learned that the Miss World competition focuses on the contestants’ charitable efforts, she decided to volunteer.

Mendoza needed to learn some Mandarin in order to introduce herself on stage. Wei was pleased to learn that she and Mendoza have both studied journalism and Mendoza has “a lot of passion” for the media industry.

“It is such an amazing thing to meet with this beautiful young lady who has a similar dream and has worked hard toward it,” said Wei. Best of all, “Victoria picked up Chinese pronunciation very quickly.”

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